Mobile Suit Gundam AGE takes place over the course of a century that encompasses the “One Hundred Years War”. Mankind had migrated to space colonies several centuries ago, with wars on Earth having long ended. Suddenly, during the Advanced Generation (AG) Year 101 an Unknown Enemy (UE) appears and starts to attack Earth and colonies starting a full-scale war. They destroy the space colony “Angel” in a disaster later referred to as “The Day the Angel Fell”. In AG 108, the UE attack a once peaceful colony known as “Orvan”. Flit Asuno, a seven-year-old boy at the time, had his mother killed in this attack. Before she died, she gave him the Asuno family heirloom—the “AGE Device ” memory unit. Using plans hidden within this unit, Flit begins to develop the mobile suit “Gundam”, humanity’s last hope.
